Gunga The Beginning

This is a story of the live of gunga.
When gunga was just a pup around world war 2 him and his owners were hiding in an attic, they heard the Germans coming up the stars so the owner rushed to Taco Bell and bought 3 bags of volcano nachos, as he was about to eat them one of the Germans broke out of the door, he ate the bag of volcano nachos, took a massive dump in the toilet then grabbed gunga and his family then flushed them down the toilet to the sewer. Gunga and his owners fell out the sewer pipe and landed into a pile of poo. His owners died instantly, leaving gunga down in the sewer pipes all alone. He was raised by poo and got all his special powers from it as well. Gunga was just waiting for the day to leave the sewer and get revenge on the Germans!
4 years later
Gunga was ready, he was trained and taught well and ready for war. Gunga escaped the sewer by going down the pipe and it tossed gunga out into the Atlantic Ocean. He doggy paddled his way to Germany, only minutes away from it until a ginormous blue whale devoured gunga in 1 lick of it's tongue, gunga still survived. He spent the last 8 years in the belly of the whale. One day the whale was so hungry that it decided to eat the whole Taco Bell. The whale leaped onto shore and wiggled it's way to the Taco Bell, when it seen it, the whale jumped into the air and ate the Taco Bell in 1 bite, then leaped back to the ocean. Gunga noticed what the whale ate and he immediately ran into the Taco Bell and ate as many volcano nachos as possible until he was ready to send a nuke on this whale, it only took after eating bout 10 volcano nachos to accomplish that. Gunga climbed up the throat of the whale until he got to the tongue, once he got there he squatted down and unleashed hell on the whale. When the whale tasted that horrible, spicy poo he immediately vomited into the air and gunga was free. It took about 6 hours of swimming to family make it to Germany, when he got to shore he headed towards Nazi Germany, where Hitler is at. Gunga found hitlers house but it looked abandoned, it looked very ratchet and trashy, but gunga had an idea. Gunga broke into the house and rushed upstairs to hitlers bathroom, once he got there he took a nice, long, hardy sniff on the toilet to get hitlers stench. After sniffing the toilet seat for a few hours, gunga new exactly where hitler was at. But first gunga had to make a quick stop at the pill factory. Gunga broke in and farted in the furnace room to knock out all the guards. When gunga was done with that he began to make a few pills of his own, gunga opened the pill in half then unleashed a deathly fart into it then put it back together. Gunga was ready to kill hitler! Gunga headed towards nazi Germany which was only a few blocks down. He spotted the Russians bombing and shooting an underground bunker, where hitler was at. Gunga stole a few smoke grenades and tossed them over the guards then slipped his little belly underground to find hitler. He spotted hitler and his wife, they were saying there goodbyes. Gunga quickly switched their acid pills with the pills that gunga made. He ran behind the couch and watched anxiously as hitler and his wife was gonna die a terrible death by farts. They both ate the pills and began to choke miserably and fell to the ground alive with only a few minutes till death, gunga was laughing so hard that he died instantly. In order to return to earth gunga had to sell his soul to smile dog and do 1 other errand. Gunga returned to earth but he had to spread the word. To be continued